The offshore wind farms existing or planned in the German North Sea are located in a great distance to the coast. In order to transport the electricity generated at sea with a minimum loss onshore, the use of so-called transformer stations and high voltage direct current transport platforms (HVDC plat-forms) is required. Since these structures are exposed to high corrosive stress in their areas of appli-cation, corrosion protection plays a significant important role for these structures. Coordination, quality assurance and inspection services in the course of the corrosion protection campaign of the HVDC platform DolwinAlpha.
The Helmut Müller GmbH coordinates and supervises offshore the execution of the corrosion pro-tection works. These works are mostly done in areas difficult to access, so that the inspections are carried out by means of the rope access technology. Inspection of the HVDC platform HelWinBeta For the project „HelWinBeta“ the actual condition of the corrosion protection system was recorded and evaluated by the Helmut Müller GmbH by means of a drone. The smooth and time-efficient operation combined with a high-quality inspection result impressed all involved parties.