„Niedersachsenbrücke“ located in Wilhelmshaven

The „Niedersachsenbrücke“ located in Wilhelmshaven serves the landing of hard coal for the coal-fired power stations in Wilhelmshaven as well as for other power stations in Germany. The bridge was finished in 1972 and put into operation. The foundation of this bridge consists of steel pipes, the so-called „bracings“, which are protected against corrosion by a special coating for hydraulic steel work. The first coat was renewed in the years 1982 up to 1984. After a service life of 37 years this corrosion protection system loses its effectiveness and must be renewed. The Helmut Müller GmbH advises and supports the Niedersachsen Ports GmbH & Co. KG in all questions around the topic corrosion protection, coordinates the execution of coating works and super-vises these for the planned construction period of 5 years in total.

Elbphilharmonie Hamburg

Evaluation & coordination services in the field of corrosion protection After more than 10 years planning and construction phase the Elbphilharmonie is finished. On the base of the former quayside warehouse on the western tip of the harbor city the new glass building rises up with its boldly curved roofscape. It contains two concert halls, one hotel and apartments. On the interface between the warehouse and the new building there is a platform spaciously laid and publicly accessible, the so-called “Plaza”. The Large Hall is the heart of the Elbphilharmonie with room for up to 2,100 spectators. The first tone was played this week during the opening concert on the 11th of January 2017. We, the Helmut Müller GmbH, and namely Helmut Müller as publicly appointed and sworn expert were engaged by company ReGE Hamburg and by company HOCHTIEF Infrastructure GmbH by 2011 to accompany the realization of the project Elbphilharmonie as expert and coordinator in the field of corrosion protection for the entire project. We look back on a constructive cooperation of 6 years. Go here for the website of the Elbphilharmonie

COVESTRO chimney

Construction supervision of concrete coating works

The new landmark of Brunsbüttel! Covestro has officially inaugurated its new redesigned chimney at their Brunsbüttel location. We, the Helmut Müller GmbH, have carried out the construction supervision of the concrete coating works and accompanied the company Covestro as well as the team around the artist Martin Heuwold.

>>  Website of the project >>  Covestro-Movie
All rights of the shown image and movieelements remain with covestro or the artist Martin Heuwald.

Our new company brochure

From now on, you can take a look and download our company brochure in three languages.
We hope you enjoy learning more about our service portfolio and like to assist you with any questions.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

“Click here to download”

WindEnergy Hamburg 2016

Dear Business Partners,

after the successful presence at the fair HUSUM WIND 2015 we look forward to welcome you within the period from the 27th up to the 30th of September 2016 at our booth no. 401 at the WindEnergy Hamburg in hall B4 EG. (more…)

Das aktuelle Seminarprogramm steht zum Download bereit

Im ersten Quartal 2016 findet in Emden wieder eine praxisnahe Seminarreihe zu fachgerechtem Korrosionsschutz statt. Der Seminarleiter und Sachverständige Helmut Müller vermittelt umfangreiches Praxis- und Expertenwissen zu den Themen:

Seminar 01/16
18.-19. Februar 2016

„Vorbereitung- und Grundlehrgang für angehende Beschichtungsinspektoren und Mitarbeiter der Qualitätssicherung“

Seminar 02/16
17.-18. März 2016

„Grundlagen des industriellen Korrosionsschutz“
Planung, Vorbereitung, Ausführung und Qualitätssicherung

Seminar 03/16
21.-22 April 2016

„Atmosphärischer Korrosionsschutz eines Schwimmdachtanks inkl. Tanktasse sowie Innenbeschichtung, gem. dem WHG“

Detaillierte Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem aktuellen Seminarprogramm:

PDF-Download (2,3 MB)

HUSUM Wind 2015

Mit 651 Ausstellern aus 25 Ländern und mehr als 20.000 Besuchern war die HUSUM WIND 2015 unter dem Motto ´Die Energiewende konkret erleben´ ein voller Erfolg. Die Helmut Müller GmbH informierte auf ihrem Stand über die Notwendigkeit, durch professionellen Korrosionsschutz Standzeiten bei Offshore-Anlagen weiterlesen… “HUSUM Wind 2015”

Preparation of seminars

The seminar on “Expert Protective Coating – from planning to implementation” was staged last Ferbruary and met with great resonance. We would like to thank everybody involved for their active and stimulating participation, which has encouraged us soon to offer a further module of our seminar series with protective coating expert Helmut Müller.

Preparations as well as the choice of topical subjects have already been started. As for information on the planning stage as well as the precise date we can inform you here or elsewhere by request.